Multi-Color Green, Black, and Purple Formal Dress with Thick Straps

Multi-Color Green, Black, and Purple Formal Dress with Thick Straps

$23.00 / 7 days

This dress is almost like wearing a piece of fine art! The base is dark green and black, with splashes of color (blue, light green, and purple). Great flowy dress for spinning but hangs beautifully on its own, with a great small flare. Moderately modest with a higher sweetheart bust and thick black gathered-fabric straps in a  size 4.

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This dress is almost like wearing a piece of fine art! The base is dark green and black, with splashes of color (blue, light green, and purple). Great flowy dress for spinning but hangs beautifully on its own, with a great small flare. Moderately modest with a higher sweetheart bust and thick black gathered-fabric straps in a  size 4.


Dark green and black, with splashes of purple, blue, and light green




A-line (tight bodice with flared skirt) with thick, gathered fabric straps


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