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Engagement Session Questionnaire

I am so excited to capture your engagements. To help make the magic, would you please tell me a little about yourself and your significant other:

    Please check which types of locations you are interested in taking engagements at:

    Woodsy MountainsMeadows/ FieldsLake/BeachCityscapeGreen ParkSnowyIn a StudioNone of the Above

    Do you have wedding colors picked out? If yes, please list them below.

    If you have any images or color samples, feel free to bring them to any of our consultations or send them over e-mail to

    Do you have any specific decor, style, or theme already planned for your wedding day? (etc. boho, earthy, seashells, clocks, beauty and the best, etc.)

    If you have any images or color samples, feel free to bring them to any of our consultations or send them over e-mail to

    Tell me your story! How did you and your S/O (significant other) meet?

    Describe you and your S/O (i.e. more reserved, outgoing, outdoorsy, loud, quiet, etc.)

    Are there any movies, books, props, etc. that are significant in your relationship? (i.e. "We love Hercules because I always called him my 'Wonder Boy')

    What is you and your S/O favorite treat?

    Anything else you want to share or mention?

    GDPR Agreement

    I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.