Family is all about the memories, the love, the bonds, and the dynamics. Each family (no matter how small or large) are full of unique personalities, and to me–they are beautiful tapestries that tell a story of love, hope, and endurance throughout the years. A few family scenarios that may resonate with you are:
One family with lots of kids: The older sister doesn’t want anything to do with her younger sister. The middle sister feels left out. The oldest brother is always getting into trouble. And meanwhile the littlest child is a tornado that adds mayhem to the daily life of dealing with other children.
One family of two: Being so in love with one another, but learning to navigate and separate yourselves from family on both you and your spouse’s side. Or wanting to draw closer to extended family, cousins, and immediate family. You finally are at the “grown-ups” table and best of all with the person you love.
An older family: Becoming grandparents, becoming parents, and trying to gather everyone together for just a moment has its joys, blessings, and struggles. Siblings stay siblings no matter what stage of life, and parents are always looking down from the top at the beautiful branches of growing, living tree.
No matter your scenario or situation–each personality and individual deserves to shine through in the role they play in your family. Your family tree should continue to live and grow, and that life should be reflected in photographs that speak to each person. Or at least so I believe.
Check out samples of my work from previous Family Portrait Photography Sessions in both Utah and Las Vegas:
Mecham Family: A Las Vegas Family Session Among the Colors- Craig Ranch Park
More coming soon!
Phister Family: Provo Family Pictures with a Furry Photobomber- Red Rock Canyon Trail
More coming soon!
Bickmore Family: Utah County Family Session up Provo Canyon
More coming soon!
Kerns Family: Spring Blossoms in Utah County