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Bespoke Custom Clothing- Utah Fashion and Brand Photography

Utah Fashion Photography- Fashion Shoot in SLC by Lucy L Photography LLC

Nothing says male, upscale fashion than a custom suit. My husband actually has a custom suit from Giorgio Verdi and ladies–your man needs one! They hug all the right curves (appreciating the booty) and just make your man feel great. Plus, customizing to fit his unique personality and look just gives him confidence that really–he deserves.

But back to this shoot: Bespoke Custom Clothing is a custom suit company based out of SLC, Utah. They reached out to me to work with them on a brand shoot of some of their products, and talk about quality suits!

Fabulous work, and even with it being February, things never felt more alive. There were a couple other photographers there, and a large group of models (both male and female). It was fun working in a group setting again!

As soon as I arrived we started indoors. I started working in a stairwell, know I could get some good leading lines and be able to stand above them. I’m not going to lie–I was a little intimidated watching more experienced photographers work with strobes and other lights. But I worked with the natural light I had and the assistance of my wonderful husband.

I was hoping to shoot in the conference room as well, but by the time I moved in there and models were available, they wanted to move me outside with the car. I was all for that and utilizing the beautiful natural, even light from the overcast sky!

With the car, I wanted to make sure I got the Bespoke branding on the side, but also highlight the suits and the combination with the female model. By staggering the female model and the male model, I can give some depth and interest to the composition so it doesn’t feel flat.

I also, had to highlight the custom details like the color of the thread for the button holes. Having him “shift gears” and “hands on the steering wheel” put it into the context that gives the image meaning and emotion.

We ended the shoot at Studio Elven in their beautiful space. This was natural light heaven for me because the windows allowed in the right amount of light that just bounces off of the white paint. One side has columns and space for a tables and work space. Then in the corner there is a large cyc wall (meaning it is curved so it appears seamless and like there are no corners… because there are none!

I used the light in two ways here: 1) I allowed the light to hit them and the window shapes to add dimension to the wall behind them and 2) I used a gold reflector to bounce a gold, soft light onto them. The gold gave a little bit of a luxury to the image–and was a unique way to play with the set-up.

Getting product shots and close-ups of the suit within the context of a chair and briefcase helps put it into a natural, life-style setting.

Among a few of my first shoots, there was much I learned from this shoot but am still pleased over a year later with some of these images.


You can take a look at a few fashion product and brand images from the set below:

Models: Kerry Kalu, Jason HarrisTyson Romero, Dannie Ybarra, Sela Vave

HMUA: Dannie Ybarra

Suits: Bespoke Custom Clothing