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Taking the First Leap: Badge of Courage from Shoot and Share Contest

PC2017-BAdge of Courage Shoot & Share Lucy L Photography LLC

I built a cliff.

I built a beautiful, daring cliff on which I was dangling my bare, feet. The view was peaceful and comforting and as the breeze would flit across my face I was energized for short moments. The water, misted far below crashing against the cliff and the setting sun slightly warmed my feet from the chill of the breeze.

What lay before me was a pleasing landscape that I created, nothing that would change the world but that was substantial. Looking out towards the horizon I could see the gray-blue sea and through the hazy, orange glow  there as a gorgeous island. And so I stood up.

I had a choice: stay on the comfort of land or fly over the sea to this vibrant, promising island.

I could see the storm clouds in the distance. It was time for a decision. Should I take a leap of faith?

On the edge of your seat? Are you wondering if I did it–did I jump? Well, I am here to say I did.


I have worked this past year to serve others and build a brand and identity within my business. I was pleased with the progress I have made, and the lives I became a part of. Looking at it, it was beautiful with a dash of daring.

But that is not enough. I am not complacent with where I am. I see the growth and new adventures but I knew it required putting myself in scary situations. You see, I knew that part of my growth meant submitting my photos to contests and magazines. And as a perfectionist, that is scary because if I don’t get chosen–well I feel like a failure.


But I knew to fail was to grow, and so I took the leap of faith! I have entered one of my first photo contests with Shoot & Share.

What is the Shoot & Share Photo Contest?

The Shoot & Share Photo Contest is the world’s ONLY free & fair contest for photographers and judges, where anyone can submit their photos and ANYONE in the public can go and vote between those photos. That means the public is the judge WITHOUT knowing who the photographers are!

That’s right–no longer about financial ability, social media shares, social popularity/following. The purpose of the contest is to be free, fair, and bring the community together.

It is an amazing opportunity, but can also be quite scary to put your art and business (the equivalent of your baby) on display for the public to judge. But, I knew it was a chance I needed to take.

I took a leap of faith, and I will be okay whether I stumble, fly low, or soar high–because I know the leap is the hardest part.

That is why I was awarded this badge–for completing the hardest part. Whether I win anything or not is irrelevant. Although I may miserably fail or do just average, the point was to leap. I took courage and therefore I am excited for how I will grow and develop out of this.

So, please stick around and come with me through this journey.

Not only will I continue to enter future contests, but I will also be working to bring more to you guys through my business, focus on the heart of service, and really show you guys the magic that we can create together.


To vote in the Shoot & Share Photo Contest please click here!