If you are looking for “I always loved photography and just knew this was my calling in life” as the burning passion behind Lucy L Photography LLC, I am just letting you know now that you will be disappointed.
I have always seen dreams in my head at night–lying awake and thinking of the marvels of this world and the stories that were in my soul that needed to be shared. I’ve always wanted be a storyteller and find a way I can change the world through innovation: a new form of art, a breakthrough in a technology, a world-altering discovery. This all started with a familiar Dr. Seuss book…
A World of Possibilities…or Not?
Growing up, my parents would read me the Dr. Seuss book “Oh the Places You’ll Go.” I still remember the colorful yellow outfit of the character, the pastel colors, the hot air balloon popping during the race, and the hope and magic I felt listening to that story. I wanted to be just like this character—I decided I wanted to go amazing places and create magic in this world.
I was drawn to amazing individuals who impacted the world or did what once was considered impossible. Walt Disney was one of those idols. He sparked something in people with his animations—magic. He forever changed animation, movies, and story telling. Two other idols were Steven Spielberg and Tim Burton. Call me weird–but JAWS and The Nightmare Before Christmas were my favorites as a kid. Their movies changed perceptions and told captivating stories that made me think. I was inspired–and wanted to be like these great storytellers.
Because of this, I have always held high expectations of myself—sometimes too high. But that is because I ultimately want to help create the impossible. How much higher than the impossible can you get?
So, I worked really hard in college. I studied German literature and ASL, and–IT WAS HARD. But I was determined to beat the odds and do the impossible.
I graduated having already been rejected for several ASL teaching jobs—even though they loved me at the interviews. I decided that I would take a test to prove to myself that I was qualified. We were on vacation when I got back the results: not even a 50%. It was like I was hanging from a branch in my hot air balloon with no hope and all magic was lost.
I cried next to an Italian man on the plane.
The Crappy Job
After that, I became depressed. I couldn’t find any jobs and I was discouraged. I settled for literally the last place I wanted to work–a call center job. The dreams I built collapsed and the colorful circus tent that was my imagination seemed to burn down to ashes.
I tried to work hard and make magic in that place. I wanted to make the company and place I was at successful and great—overcome what seemed like an impossible feat. There was no life to my story. Instead, I was reminded daily that I was unimpressive, and had nothing to offer this world.
I hated it.
About 6 months into this job and I was at the lowest of lows—I knew I needed someone with that inspiration. I needed someone who could do the impossible. I needed Lucille Limoncello.
Who is Lucille Limoncello?

Lucille reached her hand out from inside an improved, full circus tent, and allowed me to enter into a bright and exploratory world of stories. She was brave, hopeful, daring, courageous, strong, and unapologetic: everything I felt that I was not. The one thing we had in common was a creative spark—although she actually went and made the impossible become reality. I was struggling with that. I wanted to be like her so bad. I felt we were so similar, but we weren’t.
The biggest difference between us—she wasn’t real.
Yep, that’s right—she’s made up: as in not a real person. I made her up. In fact, limoncello is actually an Italian, alcoholic drink made from lemons! Since my last name is Lemmon, it was the perfect disguise. I wanted relief from life and to be someone else for a moment.
As Lucy, I got to be, do, and write WHATEVER I wanted. I allowed myself to be confused, and for it to be okay. I allowed myself to dream big, think like other people, and bring color into a mundane life. I got to be a storyteller of anything I wanted and had limitless potential once again. The impossible was reachable to me.
She was my liberation—my magic.

A Push from my Husband
I wouldn’t be here today without my husband’s support. You see—I often feel like the magic isn’t inside of me. That I am not capable of the joy Walt Disney has brought to so many. That I can’t tell a captivating story such as P.T. Barnum dreamed in his circus tents. But my husband always brings the lantern into my world to show the color in my life, and how to share that with others.
He encouraged me—that my photos could mean something to someone. That I had potential to show people the best versions of themselves and tell them the stories they needed. He told me ‘start a freaking business!’
So, I did, and as a homage, I named it after my muse—Lucille Limoncello. Keeping the lemon in play as part of my branding.
Inspiration from my Grandpa

The final push was my Grandpa’s death. He was my superhero—he did the impossible and made the unimaginable come to life. We all remember his stories of Little Orphan Annie, the Indian “Nippless” 500, and the true story of why my Nana dated him (she fell in love with his car, of course).
He brought so much magic into my life. Not everything was candy, but his life was truly magical. He led various acts in the center ring, and because of it he touched so many lives that this world will never truly forget him.
And I want to be like him—I want to do that for people. Bring the color, laughter, and magic into their stories. To be their storyteller, even if it is just for a moment. To do what people might feel is impossible.
The Realization: I Finally Knew How to Be a Storyteller
Amongst all of these factors, I still longed to “go places” and bring to life my own story. I shot images for families, couples, and of beautiful dresses and babies–but not every time did I really feel fulfilled. Some shoots I just was bursting at the seams and others I felt… complacent. I loved the images and shoots where it felt like the impossible was realized, and concepts in my head gained life through my photos. When I felt like the images were more than just pretty: when they told a story.
It hit me when I watched The Greatest Showman—and I realized that I was Hugh Jackman. Well, really, what I mean is I related to Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of P.T. Barnum. He conveyed exactly what I feel: I just want to create something unbelievable for people. I just want to go beyond what is possible. I want see in magic in the world. I was meant to bring color and life to other peoples’ stories to help them people feel that way—to feel magical about themselves. I could tell stories about people, things, emotions, ANYTHING that needed to be told with photos.
Just like Lucille Limoncello, just like Walt Disney, just like P.T Barnum. At this point, you might be thinking ‘so now photography is her passion.’ Well, actually no. It still is not my passion. Bringing magic into people’s life—communicating those feelings with them—THAT is truly my passion.
So, what about the lemon?
I have incorporated myself into this business by staying under the alias Lucille Limoncello and using a lemon in my logo. They serve as a reminder to stay true to my passion of storytelling and creating magic: that I can go places, do the impossible, and become like the people I have looked up to–that I AM Lucille Limoncello. And if I can, you can too.
My goal is for you to feel the magic. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing others experience that magic. Whether it is through a concept I create or pictures I take of you and/or your family: I want you to feel inspired. That inspiration can be any emotion, feeling, or concept—but I want it to be the color that envelops you like the circus. So, take a chance, feel transported, and experience the magic and story that is you.